System administration

Restore instances with error state after live migration failure

Get a list of all servers in error state

 openstack server list --all-projects -f csv | grep ERROR

Check server status

 openstack server show SERVER_UUID

Reset status to active

 nova reset-state --active SERVER_UUID

If the server show command showed that the server is powered of (OS-EXT-STS:power_state Shutdown) Then power the server off.

nova stop SERVER_UUID

Project quota management

Check a projects quota

openstack quota show "SNIC 2017/13-7"

Check default quota

openstack quota show --default

Changing a projects quota

openstack quota set --instances=200 "SNIC 2017/13-7"

Infrastructure OS Patching

Check service health

Check services and mysql

root@utility_container: #

nova service-list
# State should be 'up'

cinder service-list
# State should be 'up'

heat service-list
# Status should be 'up'

neutron agent-list
# Alive should be ':-)'

mysql -e 'show status like "%wsrep_cluster%"'
# Size should be 3 and status should be 'Primary'

Check haproxy

root@controller_host: #

echo "show stat" | nc -U /var/run/haproxy.stat |grep -i down
# You should not see anyting with 'down' state

Controller host

Disable services in haproxy

root@controller_host: #

    echo "show stat" | nc -U /var/run/haproxy.stat | \
    grep `hostname -s` | cut -d, -f1,2 | tr , / | \
    xargs -i -n1 sh -c "echo disable server {} | nc -U /var/run/haproxy.stat"

Check that they are disabled

root@controller_host: #

    echo "show stat" | nc -U /var/run/haproxy.stat | grep  `hostname -s`

Make sure that mysql is properly stopped

root@controller_host: #

    lxc-attach -n `lxc-ls -1 |grep _galera_container` systemctl stop mysql

Upgrade packages in all containers

root@controller_host: #

    lxc-ls -1 |xargs -i -n1 lxc-attach -n {} -- sh -c "apt-get update; apt-get -y dist-upgrade"

Update packages on the controller base os

root@controller_host: #

    apt-get update
    apt-get -y dist-upgrade
    apt -y autoremove

Then reboot the controller node

root@controller_host: #


Make sure that the controller is up and in sync with galera before you continue with the next controller

root@ansible_deploy_host: #

    cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks
    ansible galera_container -s -m shell -a 'mysql -e "SHOW STATUS LIKE \"wsrep_cluster%\""'

In the output, wsrep_cluster_size should be 3 and the wsrep_cluster variables should be the same in all three databases.

xxxxxx_galera_container | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
Variable_name   Value
wsrep_cluster_conf_id   51
wsrep_cluster_size          3
wsrep_cluster_state_uuid        2b482fcd-ee11-11e6-9629-b7460b5b7501
wsrep_cluster_status        Primary

yyyyyy_galera_container | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
Variable_name   Value
wsrep_cluster_conf_id   51
wsrep_cluster_size          3
wsrep_cluster_state_uuid        2b482fcd-ee11-11e6-9629-b7460b5b7501
wsrep_cluster_status        Primary

zzzzzz_galera_container | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
Variable_name   Value
wsrep_cluster_conf_id   51
wsrep_cluster_size          3
wsrep_cluster_state_uuid        2b482fcd-ee11-11e6-9629-b7460b5b7501
wsrep_cluster_status        Primary

Compute hosts

Start live migrate on the utility container. Then set host in maintenance mode

root@utility_container: #

    nova service-disable --reason maintenance $compute_host nova-compute
    nova host-evacuate-live $compute_host; 
    watch sh -c "'nova migration-list |grep $compute_host |grep -v completed |grep `date +%F`'"

Watch status on the {COMPUTE_HOST} compute node

root@compute_host: #

    watch virsh list

Wait until empty, then update pagackes of {COMPUTE_HOST}

root@compute_host: #

    apt-get update
    apt-get -y dist-upgrade
    apt -y autoremove

Make sure that no vm:s are running on {COMPUTE_HOST}

root@compute_host: #

    virsh list

Then reboot {COMPUTE_HOST}

root@compute_host: #


When the compute_host is rebooted, enable it again in the utility container

root@utility_container: #

    nova service-enable $compute_host nova-compute

Ceph Storage hosts

Make sure that the health is OK

root@ceph_storage_host: #

    ceph health


Set the noout flag on the OSD to prevent Ceph from start rebuilding OSDs while you reboot.

root@ceph_storage_host: #

    ceph osd set noout

Patch the os and reboot

root@ceph_storage_host: #

    apt-get update
    apt-get -y dist-upgrade
    apt -y autoremove

Wait for the host to reboot and resync.. When this is complete the only warning should be that the noout flag is set.

root@ceph_storage_host: #

    watch ceph health

HEALTH_WARN noout flag(s) set

Then you can proceed with the next Ceph Storage host.

After all storage hosts are patched you can unset the OSD noout flag to resume normal operations.

root@ceph_storage_host: #
    ceph osd unset noout